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Subscription, Price of Advertising and our Work, Rules, Demands and Tips

Please read this page carefully to avoid unnecessary questions and wasted time.
How to subscribe? Step by step instruction.
Options and Advertising Prices
The price of our work and time
Rules and demands
Tips and Tricks

• You can order any option or several options.
• We will not increase the number of places on the pages "hot offers", "diesels", and "auxiliary" for ADs in the future. We want the site to work effectively for our clients. The price can go up, the number of places never.
• The position (for instance 3rd position or 6th position) of your Ads or Banners on the pages "hot offers", "diesels", and "auxiliary" depends only on the time of your order (who is earlier is higher).
• Your offer in the central columns must be specific (see samples). It's very important for search engines.

How to subscribe? Step by step instruction

1) Please read this page carefully, look at the examples, and select the option or options you want to order.
2) Write us an email and tell us your choice. We must clearly understand what you need, and you must clearly understand what we can give to improve your business. If you will have any questions please ask.
3) Inform us of your company data and website's address (if you have)
4) It will be very good if you send samples of ads with photos of spare parts that you want to put on sale.
5) We send to you:
a) more detailed information on how the website brovertek.com works,
b) sample your page on brovertek.com,
c) invoice for payment with ways of payment

Options and Advertising Prices

Description 6 months 1 year
1-st OPTION. Subscription and place advertising of your offers.
You can put 5 ADs on any specific page (for instance 'Pumps' in the auxiliary section). Link to your page on brovertek.com
$90 $160
2-nd OPTION. 1st page, right column, 2-7 places (high-quality link).
Visitors see your ad on the page "hot offers" and on all pages "Company profile". The link can lead to any page of your company website. If you have 1-year subscription you can change the banner (link) after 6 months (sometimes it's useful).
$180 $340
3-rd OPTION. Diesel pages, right column, 2-7 places (high quality link).
Visitors see your ad on the page "diesels" and all specific Diesel pages. Link can lead to any page of your company website. If you have 1 year subscription you can change banner (link) after 6 months.
$200 $420
4-th OPTION. Auxiliary pages, right column, 2-7 places (high quality link).
Visitors see your ad on the page "auxiliary" and on all specific auxiliary pages. Link can lead to any page of your company website. If you have 1 year subscription you can change banner (link) after 6 months.
$160 $300
5-th OPTION. 1st page, central column, 1-10 places (advertising your offers)
We will be moderate your AD and put it on the 1st page. Link leads to your page on the brovertek.com
$160 $300.
6-th OPTION. Page 'diesel' or page 'auxiliary' central column, 1-10 places (advertising your offers)
We will be moderate your AD and put it on the 1st page. Link leads to your page on the brovertek.com
$140 $260
7-th OPTION. Access to our database of companies (including companies that are not visible on the page "Companies").
The database is constantly moderated and updated. It's around 400 companies./td>
-- $40
8-th Option. One year high quality link from our website MarEngine.com - page "Spare Parts" -- $60
9-th Option. Additional place for advertising (see option 1). $36 $32
1. One-year subscription gives you a $20 discount.
2. We made registration and page of your company. Also, we put the first 2 your AD. It takes time (around 1-1,5 hours) and will be cost $5.
3. Viewing your company's data for contact on your company page costs $1.
But you can minimize these costs (we will give instructions).
4. After payment we add $20 to your account as a first payment bonus. It's covered first expenses (registration, clicks, etc.). It will be very good if you add $20 to your account (We will offer that in our invoice). Then the balance amount on your company account will be $40 after registration and option payment.

The price of our work and time

The banner is free (our artist will make) Moderation and put on the 1st page your ad is free.
Photos optimization and reloading - free (it's important for search robots)
Making PDF file and its optimization - $3 (if we don't need to reprint its - we can copy the text in your pdf or word file).
Making PDF file (reprint) and its optimization - $5 per/page.
Optimization and reloading your PDF file (you make yourself) is free.

Rules and demands

Our rules and demands will send to you in reply to your letter with samples.

Tips and Tricks - how to use the site to effectively promote your marine business

One of the basic uses of the Internet is to sell products and services. If 10 years ago the Internet was a double-barrel rifle in the business but today it is already a ballistic missile. And who can use this missile correctly earns huge money (we are sure you don’t need examples).

For all of our subscribers, we have prepared a brief reference on what to do in order to increase the return on your ads, pages, and advertisements on the Brovertek.com website. The same strategies and tricks you can successfully use and on the website of your company.

What You'll Learn
• How to work the website brovertek.com - detailed description.
In order to effectively use the site to make money, you must clearly understand how it works. No secrets. We will tell you all the details.

• Understand how Search Engines Work
Today Search machines are very smart. We'll explain some basic principles. We'll explain how to make your offers (ads) attractive for customers and search engines. You will understand some of our demands for ads and your page. It helps you to save your money.

• Gain Instant Access to The Best Free SEO Tools
Perform a full SEO audit on any site for Free.

• How your ads will work for your business for many years and after this ad is removed from our site.
It's very simple - just follow our recommendations and demands.

• Avoid one of the main mistakes that hart your business. 90% (maybe more) of suppliers make this mistake.
It's our huge experience. We and our suppliers did not earn a lot of money because of this error.

• PDF and EXCEL files. What file is better.
Our recommendation, demand, and samples.

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The Brovertek is a totally independent supplier of marine spare parts and ship equipment and is not associated with any original equipment manufacturer.
All names mentioned are registered tradesmen of registered companies and are mentioned for reference only.
Brovertek ® 2004-2023
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