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Marine Diesel engines and Spare parts Seller and Buyer Companies

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Company Country Strengths of the company
Micro Marine India Lifeboat re-furbish & Stern Arrangements & Marine Engines with Transmission & Marine Engines w/o Transmissions & Marine Transmissions
Tech Marine India Main engine spare parts & Diesel generator and spares & Turbocharges and parts & Hydraulic and its parts & Navigation Equipments
Thames Diesel Injection Parts Ltd. United Kingdom MAN B&W 23 series, 6L80 Stock & Fuel injection equipment recond. & MAK M25(C), M43(C) Stock & MAN T23H, T23LH, T23LH-4E & MAN L23/30, L23/30H
Bartech Marine Engineering United Kingdom OEM Paxman YJ Ventura (stock) & OEM Paxma. RPH, YH, Y3J, YL, SE & Paxman Valenta RP200, (stock) & Holset 4HD, 4LD, 6D, 6LD, 6U & OEM MTU 2000, 4000, 396 (stock)
Burak Marine Consultant Ltd. Turkey MWM TBD 510 511 Stock & Wartsila 6R32 12V25 6R46 32E S. & Deutz 540 528 628 816 358 350 S. & MAN 40/45 40/54 48/60 80GFCA S. & MAK 551 453 451 452 552 601 S.
AGV - Injectores Navais Unipessoal, LDA Portugal SKL NVD26 Stock & MAN 662VT2BF-140 S. & VEB Zwickauer 2S1-125C S. & Ref compressor STAL S-64A S. & Ref compressor MYCOM F160LUD S.
Brovertek Group Ltd. Ireland MAN MC engine spare parts & MAN 32/40 spare parts & MAN 32/40 cyl covers recondition & RTA engine spare parts & MAN 4 stroke spare parts
M&J Marine Engineering Service Co., Ltd. Korea Yanmar spare parts & Daihatsu spare parts & Nigata spare parts & Hanshin spare parts & Akasaka spare parts
Senda Shipping Engineering & Service Ltd. China Wartsila RND & Wartsila RTA & Wartsila RT-flex & SULZER RND & SULZER RTA
SRM Diesel Engines China Daihatsu diesel & Deutz diesel & MAN B&W diesel & Yanmar diesel & Pielstick diesel
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