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Berestov Vladimir

Berestov Vladimir
Company Strengths
MAN NA48 turbocharger spares

Company Data
Profile: Seller / Repair
Situation: Ukraine.
Region of activity: Worldwide

Company email: bervlad@yahoo.com
Contact person: Berestov Vladimir .
Contact person via: bervlad@yahoo.com

About Company

Spare parts for turbocharger MAN NA48: rotor and nozzle apparatus (nozzle device)

Company advs:

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Sell MAN NA48 Turbocharger Rotor and Nozzle Apparatus (Nozzle Device)

MAN NA48 Turbocharger Rotor and Nozzle Apparatus (Nozzle Device)
MAN NA48 Turbocharger spares for sell:
1. Rotor - 8000 EUR
2. Nozzle Apparatus (Nozzle Device) - 2500 EUR
For more photos see attached excel file.

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